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Autumn Montague - Executive Director
Class: Senior
Major: Hospitality and Tourism
Hobby: Playing drumset
Favorite SPC event: Homecoming Block Party
Favorite SIU memory: Taking a spring break trip to Gatlinburg with the drumline
For information on what an SPC Executive Director does, click link here.
Dennis Sturkey - Vice Executive Director
Class: Senior
Major: Africana Studies
Hobby: Playing video games, clothing design and listening to music
Favorite SPC event: Barbie Movie Nite
Favorite SIU memory: Starting a RSO and watching it grow
For information on what an SPC Vice Executive Director does, click link here.
Shaylee Coon - Homecoming Director
Class: Sophomore
Major: Radialogical Sciences
Hobbies: Hiking, Watching TV and hanging out with friends
Favorite SPC event: Book of Mormon Musical Trip
Favorite SIU memory: Any event that includes free food
For information on what an SPC Homecoming Director does, click link here.
Celeste Woods - Marketing Director
Class: Junior
Major: Political Science
Favorite SPC event:
Favorite SIU memory:
For information on what an SPC Marketing Director does, click link here.
DJ Lovejoy - Special Events Director
Class: Senior
Major: Psychology
Hobbies: Photography and keeping up to date on all things Apple
Favorite SPC event: SIU After Dark: Music Trivia Night
Favorite SIU memory: Watching the Solar Eclipse on campus
For information on what an SPC Programming Director does, click link here.
Katie Morwick - Large Events Director
Class: Junior
Major: Linguistics
Hobbies: Learning Japanese, readig, painting and trying out new cafes
Favorite SPC event: Spring Bingo Nite
Favorite SIU memory: Picnic with my friends at the Lake at Murphysboro State Park
For information on what an SPC Programming Director does, click link here.
Jakyi Humphrey - Travel and Novelties Director
Class: Sophomore
Major: Information Technology
Hobby: gym, video games
Favorite SPC event: Dawgs Nite Out
Favorite SIU memory: My favorite memory so far would be going to light up the lake.
For information on what an SPC Programming Director does, click link here.
Aubrey Attocchi - Graduate Assistant
Class: Graduate Student
Favorite SPC event:
Favorite SIU memory: